Sep 272009

Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog: “A common problem with email searches is that they can return too many results. For example, entering someone’s name may return matches where the name appears in parts of the message’s body even though you meant to look for messages from that person. It can be also hard to enter other criteria to help narrow your search, such as whether it has an attachment or that it has a particular category applied. Wouldn’t it be great if you could specify these parameters easily and get a better set of results – finding what you want even faster? Outlook 2010 makes it easy!

Outlook 2010 makes searching your mailbox more efficient with two new features: the Search Contextual Tab in the Ribbon and the Search Suggestion List.”

 Posted by at 7:22 pm
Sep 272009

Intro and table of contents for a 70 page review of Windows 7, from… Microsoft Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit) – Review: “This October Microsoft will release Windows 7 world-wide, the successor to Windows Vista and Windows XP (again), a major upgrade that promises to further improve the user experience on different PC form factors such as the popular Netbook. For the past couple of weeks the Team spent some time testing the Windows 7 (RTM) Release to Manufacturing build, which is the final build that will be available in stores and new PC’s around the world (that goes for Intel Macs too).”

 Posted by at 11:55 am