Apr 302010

From ITWorld.com…

The 10-Minute Ubuntu Setup | ITworld: “April 26, 2010, 02:55 PM —

The next release from Ubuntu, the (relatively) popular Linux desktop operating system, is due out April 29, and it’s looking very nice. Want to give it a go? Here’s how you can load in the stuff you need–MP3s, DVD playing, and quick settings access–in a matter of minutes.”

 Posted by at 11:49 am
Apr 302010

Linux News: Applications: Gnome Commander Whips Files Into Shape: “Gnome Commander, an advanced twin-panel graphical file manager for the Linux Manage and monitor your systems with Landscape for Ubuntu. Free 60 day Trial. OS, brings back memories of my pre-Windows days. That is an era when graphical shell programs were popular before the Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) DOS (Disk Operating System) desktop gave way to the Windows 95 GUI (Graphical User Interface).”

 Posted by at 12:32 am