Nov 142011

I was recently discussing Japan’s K computer with students and this is news that all of the hardware is now in place.  Very impressive.

Here is a link to Wikipedia’s article on the Top500 and another on the K computer, and another with photos of the top 10.

By James Niccolai, IDG News at…

Japan’s K Computer has retained its pole position on the Top500 list of fastest supercomputers and become the first machine on the list to achieve performance of more than 10 petaflops.

via Top500 List Passes Another Milestone: 10 Petaflops | PCWorld Business Center.

 Posted by at 12:34 pm
Nov 142011

Today is “Alternatives to Microsoft Outlook Day”.  This and my previous post are articles purporting to have “top” and “great” alternatives to Outlook.

By Sanix at…

In term of email client, Microsoft Outlook is the most popular one around. It is widely used in both home and office because of its deep integration with Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft Windows and of course, Microsoft Exchange. However, being popular doesn’t mean it is the best. There are several alternative email clients that have the same, or even better, functionality than Outlook. Let’s take a look.

via 5 Great Alternatives To Microsoft Outlook.

 Posted by at 12:04 pm
Nov 142011

Today is “Alternatives to Microsoft Outlook Day”.  This and my next post are articles purporting to have “top” and “great” alternatives to Outlook.

By Jack Wallen at…

Outlook is, hands-down, the most popular email client among the business set. And with good reason. It connects to Exchange, which allows businesses to determine many aspects of how and what their users can manage, use, and control. It also allows the sharing of things like calendars and contacts. But not all businesses (especially small businesses) employ Exchange. For them, there are plenty of alternatives to Outlook. Even businesses that do have Exchange may use an alternative to connect to a groupware server. Let’s take a look at a few of these alternatives and see what they have to offer.

via Five top alternatives to Microsoft Outlook | TechRepublic.

 Posted by at 12:02 pm