Nov 302011

by Jason Cross at PCWorld…

Tablets and smartphones are in, but don’t count laptops out. Impressive new laptops planned for 2012 promise to be thinner, lighter, and faster, as well as to carry longer-lasting batteries.

Laptops of 2012: What to ExpectAll the pieces are in place for a surge in laptop sales next year, from new Intel chips to the planned launch of Windows 8 to sleeker designs.

via Laptops of 2012: What to Expect | PCWorld.

 Posted by at 7:31 pm
Nov 302011

An interesting list of tools to support Macs in the enterprise environment.  Number 1 and 12 also support iOS devices.

By Ryan Faas at…

The knock on managing Macs in business environments has long been Apple’s ambivalent attitude toward providing significant enterprise support. Apple does, of course, offer tools for deploying, configuring, and managing Macs. But to move Macs beyond a departmental setting, IT will often find it necessary to look to third parties for help.

via 12 valuable tools for managing business Macs | Applications – InfoWorld.

 Posted by at 7:22 pm