Dec 132011

My Digital Media students did great with our limited time using Blender and would enjoy this.

by Sam Dean at…

In the graphics and animation software arena, you can find plenty of expensive, proprietary applications, but few are as powerful as Blender, which is a free, powerful open source 3D modeling, graphics and animation product.

via Free Resources for Becoming an Advanced Animator with Blender.

 Posted by at 8:52 pm
Oct 282011

As my digital media class is nearing the video component I’ll be recommending this post to my students.

By J. Lockhart at…

So in the past, I told you how to find some pretty cool stuff for your media creation, and I also helped you find ways to get your production started. However, in my classes this semester, I have been learning a few things too. Since I’m a production student, I get a lot of stuff thrown at me video-wise.

via Check Out 3 DIY Video Series For Professional Tips On Video-Making.

 Posted by at 5:58 am