About CotW


Last updated June 24, 2018.

Hi.  Welcome to Chuck on the Web (CotW).  My name is Charles Elliott.  I go by Chuck and the web site domain name is charlesaelliott.com as that was the best name available.

March, 2017

This site consolidates a number of blogs and sites I have maintained over the years and is used mostly as a means of organizing and sharing technology related information that interests me.  My main interests are technology trends in higher education, operating systems and productivity applications, strategic planning, project management, and personal improvement.  I also work and teach in higher education, some of the information here is for colleagues and my undergraduate Information Technology and Management Information Systems (MIS) students.Chuck Elliott

For the technically inclined this is a WordPress (ver 4.9.6) Blog hosted on Site5.com.  After experimenting with dozens of themes, I’m using Suffusion (version 4.4.9) which is available through WordPress.  The motorcycle photography in the headers is just something I enjoy, that is both riding them and taking pictures of interesting looking bikes.  The maroon and gray colors are those of my employer, Concord University.

I’ve loved motorcycles since I was about 12. (photo from 2003)

I welcome your comments and feedback.  You can e-mail me directly by writing to charles@charlesaelliott.com.

Enjoy your time here.  Best Wishes.








Chuck and Rhonda, Huntington, WV, Apr 18, 2004. Preparing for a ride with about 80 other motorcycles.

 Posted by at 8:32 pm