Sep 292012

By Dr. Brian C. Mitchell at…

There has been substantial discussion in the past few years about how technology is beginning to move beyond older concepts of distance learning and technology-assisted education to new arrangements like Coursera and the MOOC innovations and experimentations at institutions like Harvard and MIT. These approaches bear watching. Collectively, they signal that the delivery methods, learning approaches and increasingly global scale of products produced from new thinking are likely to reshape 21st century education in ways not yet

via Dr. Brian C. Mitchell: The Other Side to Technology in Higher Education.

 Posted by at 6:05 am
Sep 282012

By Bakari Chavanu at…

When you install iOS 6 on your iPhone or other iOS device, you won’t see any changes to the user interface, but there are a few new apps and several new features under the hood that will make your device a lot more handy to use.

via 10 iOS 6 ‘How-to’ Tips You Need to Know For Your iPhone, iPad, Or iPod Touch.

 Posted by at 9:46 pm
Sep 232012

By Chris Hoffman at…

The Windows Hosts file allows you to define which domain names (websites) are linked to which IP addresses. It takes precedence over your DNS servers, so your DNS servers may say is linked to a specific IP address, but you can have go anywhere you want.

via 6 Surprising Uses For The Windows Hosts File.

 Posted by at 6:44 pm
Sep 072012

By Kayla Webley at…

MOOC may be a silly-sounding acronym, but this new breed of online classes is shaking up the higher education world in ways that could be good for cash-strapped students and terrible for cash-strapped colleges. Taking a class online might not sound revolutionary—after all, in the fall of 2010, 6.1 million students were enrolled in at least one online course

via MOOC Brigade: Will Massive, Open Online Courses Revolutionize Higher Education? |

 Posted by at 8:07 am