Apr 112012

By Michael Kan at CIO.com…

IDG News Service (Beijing Bureau) — Intel is working with 10 undisclosed Chinese and global vendors to design Windows 8 tablets using the company’s chips, a senior company executive said Wednesday.

via Intel Working with 10 Vendors to Release Windows 8 Tablets By Year-End CIO.com.

 Posted by at 7:58 am
Dec 092011

From Deloitte at PRNewsWire…

Deloitte today announced the research findings from its 3rd annual “Tech Trends 2012” report, which identifies and predicts the top 10 emerging and disruptive technologies that are expected to play a crucial role in how businesses are anticipated to operate globally in 2012 and beyond.

via Deloitte Predicts the Top 10 Technology Trends for 2012 — NEW YORK, Dec. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ —.

 Posted by at 4:07 am
Nov 022011

And this goes hand in hand with my post of a few minutes ago.  From NetworkWorld.com…

The battle between Microsoft and Google for office cloud dominance reminds me of the clash of the Titans. Microsoft and its classic on-premises business model is like Gaia, the earth goddess, and Google with its disruptive lightening bolt, is like Zeus, a sky god and a next generation kind of god.

via Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps for Business.

 Posted by at 11:00 pm
Oct 112010

By Katrina A. Meyer at EDUCAUSE.edu…

Having been immersed lately in reading about disruptive technologies, I am in a quandary. Which — if any — technology in higher education is truly disruptive? How would we know? Is there a way to make any technology disruptive? And finally, how might disruptive technology affect higher education’s future?

via The Role of Disruptive Technology in the Future of Higher Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE.

 Posted by at 7:05 pm