Dec 142012

By Chris Proulx at…

2012 was a transformative year in education. Between the introduction of the MOOC (the ‘Massive Open Online Course’), and the explosive growth in the number of online offerings, all eyes were on higher ed. In the past twelve months, students were increasingly able to learn from leading faculty at elite institutions beyond the four walls of their classrooms, and soon, professors will be collaborating across universities to collectively create and distribute for-credit curriculum for an online semester. New high growth players entered the online education marketplace, and universities began to align around interactive platforms. As online certificate programs became more robust and hyper-targeted towards professional development, more and more students looked to gain these credentials as a differentiator in the work force.

via 5 Ways Technology Will Impact Higher Ed in 2013 – Forbes.

 Posted by at 3:32 pm
Oct 052012

This is a trend I want to see continue.  Great for the U.S. economy and IT pros in the country.

By Stephanie Overby at…

CIO — One thing is certain–it’s going to cost GM a lot more to insource the 10,000 jobs it previously outsourced or offshored. However, the benefits could have significant business value.

via GM Bets on Insourcing, Brings Back 10,000 IT Jobs

 Posted by at 4:36 am
May 032012

By Vinod Baya, Galen Gruman, and Bud Mathaisel at…

After years of nearly 100 percent focus on cost-cutting due to the recession, company boards are now pushing their organizations to find ways to grow the business. In fact, most CEOs are looking to gain both efficiencies and differentiation at the same time. In a recent survey of CEOs conducted by PwC, 80 percent of CEOs believe innovation will drive efficiencies and lead to competitive advantage. (See Figure 1.) For most of them, technology is one way of capturing both. Close to 70 percent of CEOs are investing in IT to reduce costs and become more efficient, while 54 percent are also funneling funds toward growth initiatives. This sentiment is not limited to any particular industry sector, such as high-tech. It applies to enterprises of all sizes in all industry sectors.

via The strategic CIO’s new role in innovation: Technology forecast: PwC.

 Posted by at 11:20 am
Jan 222012

By Adriane Ciavonne at EDUCAUSE…

The ten most widely read online EDUCAUSE Review articles from 2011 focused on current IT issues, the future of higher education, gamification, mobile learning, social media, and academic libraries.

via What Were the Most Popular EDUCAUSE Review Articles of 2011? | EDUCAUSE.

 Posted by at 1:29 pm
Oct 202011

The LMS market is worth nearly a billion dollars in the United States alone. Nearly every campus has one or more systems, along with IT staff, training programs, and infrastructure to support it. Indeed, for many institutions, the LMS is the keystone of their technology-based learning strategy, whether that means blended learning, distance learning, or just more convenient classroom administration.

via Regaining Your Faculties — Campus Technology.

 Posted by at 8:56 pm