Dec 042011

By Ann Bednarz at Network World…

IT budgets and responsibilities are moving out of the control of IT departments and into the hands of others, thanks to trends such as consumerization and cloud computing, Gartner says in its vision for 2012 and the coming years.

via Gartner predictions for 2012: More cloud, consumerization, loss of IT control.

 Posted by at 6:03 am
Dec 022011

By Ashlan Sarff at EDUCAUSE…

ECAR has just released Mobile IT in Higher Education, 2011 Report. The report investigates how mobile computing is being incorporated into higher education. It provides a snapshot of the kinds of mobile initiatives colleges and universities have undertaken, directions that the community sees as potentially most valuable, and some of the factors affecting progress for mobile computing.

via ECAR Releases Report on Mobile IT in Higher Education | EDUCAUSE.

 Posted by at 2:36 pm
Nov 302011

An interesting list of tools to support Macs in the enterprise environment.  Number 1 and 12 also support iOS devices.

By Ryan Faas at…

The knock on managing Macs in business environments has long been Apple’s ambivalent attitude toward providing significant enterprise support. Apple does, of course, offer tools for deploying, configuring, and managing Macs. But to move Macs beyond a departmental setting, IT will often find it necessary to look to third parties for help.

via 12 valuable tools for managing business Macs | Applications – InfoWorld.

 Posted by at 7:22 pm
Nov 232011


This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter’s approach.

One-gigabit wireless LAN products should enter the retail channel for the 2012 holiday season thanks to the fact that the 802.11 working group concluded balloting on the proposed 802.11ac standard last summer, meaning enterprise-focused products should follow in 2013.

via Another milestone for 802.11ac and gigabit wireless LANs.

 Posted by at 2:57 pm
Nov 182011

This is not good news for higher education.  It will put universities responsible for monitoring their user’s internet activities and add significant cost to every institution which will have to be passed on to the students.  SOPA is a a very pro-Hollywood act and I hope it is changed or defeated.

By Eva Galperin at Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The House Judiciary Committee will meet today for a hearing on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). What could have been an opportunity for the committee to hear from a variety of stakeholders has devolved into a parade of pro-SOPA partisans. Scheduled to testify are representatives from the Register of Copyrights, Pfizer Global Security, the Motion Picture Association of America, the AFL-CIO, and Mastercard Worldwide—many of which helped to draft this legislation in the first place, and didn’t let anyone else into the room. The only scheduled witness in opposition to the bill is Katherine Oyama, policy counsel on copyright and trademark law for Google.

via Who’s Missing From Today’s SOPA Hearing? A Short List | Electronic Frontier Foundation.

 Posted by at 6:38 am
Nov 142011

I was recently discussing Japan’s K computer with students and this is news that all of the hardware is now in place.  Very impressive.

Here is a link to Wikipedia’s article on the Top500 and another on the K computer, and another with photos of the top 10.

By James Niccolai, IDG News at…

Japan’s K Computer has retained its pole position on the Top500 list of fastest supercomputers and become the first machine on the list to achieve performance of more than 10 petaflops.

via Top500 List Passes Another Milestone: 10 Petaflops | PCWorld Business Center.

 Posted by at 12:34 pm
Nov 022011

And this goes hand in hand with my post of a few minutes ago.  From…

The battle between Microsoft and Google for office cloud dominance reminds me of the clash of the Titans. Microsoft and its classic on-premises business model is like Gaia, the earth goddess, and Google with its disruptive lightening bolt, is like Zeus, a sky god and a next generation kind of god.

via Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps for Business.

 Posted by at 11:00 pm
Nov 022011

I was on a conference call today with a number of public universities in Georgia discussing migrating e-mail systems to Microsoft’s and Google.  A strong sense of concern about mobile devices, support, and security.  So, this article tonight from PCWorld is relevant…

First there were sewing-machine sized portable PCs, then laptops, the Newton, the Palm Pilot, and phones with built-in PDA functions. The iPhone led the way to the ubiquitous smartphone, and the iPad ushered in an era of tablets. Now wireless hotspots, printers, storage, and a variety of other devices are making their way onto your office network, possibly without the knowledge of managers.

via Five Steps to Mobile Device Management and Security | PCWorld Business Center.

 Posted by at 10:51 pm