Nov 142014

From Business Wire…

Survey Reveals the iGeneration Wants Personalized Communications on Multiple Platforms during the College Admissions and Enrollment Process to Make Informed Decisions

via Class of 2020 Wants Colleges and Universities to Ditch Email, Viewbooks and Non-Personalized Communications | Business Wire.

 Posted by at 8:19 am
Jun 192014

I’ll be checking in on this interesting initiative.  I have three family members going to school here.

By Conner Forest at…

Virginia’s Chesterfield County Schools recently announced that it will launch the largest education deployment of Chromebooks to date. Here’s what you can learn from it.

via 32,000 Chromebooks: How a Virginia school system bet on Google’s PC platform – TechRepublic.

 Posted by at 3:38 pm
Jun 042014

Fascinating story at, by Ryan Daws…

We’ve spoke previously about Google’s ambitious project to provide internet access in hard-to-reach locations, called ‘Project Loon’. Clearly not content with this, the company is looking to spend an expected minimum of $1 Billion on satellites to provide Earth-wide Wi-Fi for the masses.

Its rollout will consist of 180 “small, high-capacity satellites” which will orbit the Earth at a low altitude and be led by field expert, Greg Wyler, from satellite start-up O3B networks. It is said his team – consisting of between 10 and 20 people – will report directly to Larry Page.

The initial plans are expected to cost between $1 billion to “more than $3 billion” dependent on the network’s final design. If successful, a later phase could double the amount of satellites placed into the atmosphere.

via Google to cover earth in Wi-Fi via $1 Billion+ worth of satellites – Telecoms Tech.

 Posted by at 11:56 am
Sep 182013

By Narasu Rebbapragada at

A bright orange line emerges from the horizon at the left side of the screen. Getting brighter, it arcs upward—and then suddenly turns ashen gray before falling back to the horizon. More lines follow the first. Thousands upon thousands of lines. The visual is at once beautiful and daunting.

via The art of numbers: Who knew Big Data could look so cool? | TechHive.

 Posted by at 8:49 am
May 032013

By David F. Carr at…

The job of a higher-education CIO is changing, partly because of disruptive technologies for online learning, but that doesn’t mean the basic challenges go away. Perhaps now more than ever, a CIO’s job hinges as much on surviving a brutal schedule of meetings and the academic politics of the institution as it does on mastering bleeding-edge technologies.

via Higher Ed CIOs Can’t Ignore MOOCs Or Politics – Education –.

 Posted by at 10:28 am