May 072010

Warner's DVD2Blu trade-up program gets bigger, cheaper (maybe) — Engadget: “Warner Bros. is making things a little less needful for new Blu-ray buyers with extensive DVD libraries in need of upgrading, slashing the lowest prices on its DVD2Blu upgrade program to $4.95 ( the original DVD copy) and adding more movies to the list of eligibles for a total of 87. Of course there’s still a catch, as the minimum order needed to score free shipping ($4.95 per order) has risen $10 to $35. Of course, if you’ve been looking for an opportunity to catch 2001: A Space Odyssey and Gran Torino and Ocean’s Eleven in all their 1080p glory then check the price list after the break and do the math — this offer might be for you.”

 Posted by at 11:23 am

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