Aug 242013

By Paul Thurrott at…

In a startling and unexpected announcement, Microsoft revealed today that CEO Steve Ballmer would retire sometime in the next 12 months. During the intervening time, the company will begin a search for his successor.

via Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to Retire in 2014 | Paul Thurrotts WinInfo content from Windows IT Pro.

 Posted by at 3:12 am
Aug 242013

By Cade Metz at…

Alex Polvi is living the great Silicon Valley archetype. Together with some old school friends, he’s piecing together a tech revolution from inside a two-car Palo Alto garage.

He’s like Dave Packard or Steve Jobs or Sergey Brin — at least up to a point. The difference is that, from his vantage point here in the 21st century, Polvi views his garage with a certain sense of irony — “straight-up Palo Alto-style,” he says — and he harbors ambitions that suit our particular time. He wants to change the way we build the entire internet, making this worldwide network of computer servers as easy to update as the browsers on our laptops.

via Linux Hackers Rebuild Internet From Silicon Valley Garage | Wired Enterprise |

 Posted by at 2:43 am