Nov 182011

Okay, I’m guilty of spending time fiddling with to-do lists but hey, that’s a hobby of enjoying learning how to effectively use new software.  This is an interesting approach for Mac users.

By Whitson Gordon at…

Your to-do list is the hub of your personal productivity, so it makes sense that we’re attracted to to-do apps filled with bells, whistles, and tassels. Then you realize you’re spending more time fiddling with your app than getting things done. If you’re tired of clicking around internet-needy webapps or getting locked into a specific to-do list service, it’s time to switch to something simpler. Here’s why a simple text file will make your to-do lists fast, easy to manage, and seamlessly integrate with everything else you use.

via Why You Should Set Up Your To-Do List in a Plain Text File (and How to Do It).

 Posted by at 7:44 am

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